Vincent Kompany jää ulos EM-kisoista

EM kisat 2016

Belgian maajoukkue koki pahan kolauksen, kun joukkueen kapteeni Vincent Kompany ilmoitti, ettei pysty osallistumaan kisoihin.

Kompany on kärsinyt loukkaantumisista pitkin kautta. Nyt belgialainen loukkasi nivusensa Mestareiden liigan ottelussa noin 10 minuutin pelin jälkeen Real Madridia vastaan.

Lue myös:

Kompany kirjoitti tunteikkaan kirjoituksen Facebook-seinälleen sairaalan sängystä:

I’ll miss the Euros.

To me that’s very sad news.

So I could be standing here, feeling sorry for myself. I could fear for my career, as others may do. I could give up.

That is not me.

I decide on my future .

There is a bigger picture to everything in life and only failing to see it, will cause me to fail.

I am a hard worker and a fighter and if you are too, then you know that, to people like us, success can come in many forms. We trust ourselves when the going gets tough.

I have the greatest respect for those who overcome their personal challenges in life with a positive attitude.

I want to live up to that.

So I remain calm and positive. I will continue to follow my path and I will do so with more conviction than ever.

I trust my friends and teammates to do well and do us proud at the next European Championships in France. I am now officially their most fervent supporter and I will be there to support them.

Written from my hospital bed,

Never giving up,

Vincent Kompany

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